Chair, IFIP TC12.13 AI for Global Security

Dominique VERDEJO

Dominique Verdejo is an accomplished professional with a background in computer science and a passion for artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in security and risk management. He has a rich  career history, including roles in research & development, software development, marketing, and product management. Dominique Verdejo has been involved in various projects related to AI, such as developing expert systems for pilot training and promoting AI components globally in industries like telecommunications, finance, and insurance. Furthermore, he has engaged with the concept of AI as an essential tool for situational prevention assistance in video surveillance. He emphasizes the increasing precision of video analytics compared to human vision, leading to a necessary reevaluation of the roles of human operators and machines in security contexts. His work reflects a forward-looking approach to integrating AI into security practices for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

    All Sessions by: Dominique VERDEJO

    • 09:00-09:15 Auditorium Galaxy


      2024-11-19   Opening remarks by conference organizers Eunika Mercier Laurent, Chair IFIP TC12 Anthony Wong, President, IFIP Dominique Verdejo, Chair IFIP TC12.13 AI4GS  
    • 13:30-14:15 Auditorium Galaxy

      Panel 2 AI and Regulation

      2024-11-19 As we grapple with the unprecedented power of AI, how can regulations safeguard us from discrimination, bias, and malicious misuse? Join this session to
    • 17:30 17:45 Auditorium Galaxy

      Best paper award

      2024-11-19 The AI4GS-24 Program Committee awards the prize of the best AI for Global Security research paper.
    • 17:45 18:15 Auditorium Galaxy

      Concluding remarks and future plans

      2024-11-19 What future in AI powered Global Security ? Key points and challenges ahead for identifying and mitigating risk about and with AI.